
What facilities are designed in the “Tesla Bot” Humanoid robot prototype?

What facilities are designed in the “Tesla Bot” Humanoid robot prototype?

About Tesla’s humanoid robot and its features

What happened at Tesla Al Day?

Tesla company CEO, Elon Musk announced the company will build a humanoid robot called Tesla Bot. the announcement was made in Al Day, which is a series of tech calls Tesla holds in California to recruit machine learning talent.

An actor in a bodysuit designed to look like the Tesla Bot came on the stage. Musk said the company  will probably have a prototype next year looking like the actor. He noted that the actor was not a real robot, but Tesla’s Humanoid robot will be real.

Now, many people wonder what facilities are designed in the “Tesla Bot” Humanoid robot prototype?

What facilities are designed in the “Tesla Bot” Humanoid robot prototype?

The showmanship always works!

Elon Musk knows how to energize the company’s supporters including employees, customers, and investors. Announcing that they are working on exciting products scheduled for years into the future was an example of his showmanship. He usually does not do these announcements on the timeline predicted.

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For example, Musk announced at an ‘Autonomy Day” event in Apr. 2019, that the Tesla Company would have 1 million autonomous “robotaxis” on the road in 2020. Nobody has still seen a robotaxi. In an event at Universal Studios’ backlot in Los Angeles that was held in October 2016, Musk was expected to introduce a product he called the Solar Roof. It turned out that the solar tiles people saw on the display were merely conceptual.

What facilities are designed in the “Tesla Bot” Humanoid robot prototype?

It will do repetitive tasks for human

Musk said if a humanoid robot works such well that it can perform repetitive tasks that are only possible to be done by humans today, it may drive labor costs down and there will be a chance to transform the world economy.

However, Musk warned the Tesla Bot probably won’t work at first.

Tesla Bot will be friendly

He added that the Tesla robot is intended to be friendly and navigate through a world of humans. It will eliminate repetitive, boring, and dangerous tasks.

What facilities are designed in the “Tesla Bot” Humanoid robot prototype?

Optimus uses the same technology as Tesla’s cars use

Musk said Tesla’s Humanoid robot is code-named “Optimus.” The compant will use the same chips and sensors in Optimus as the ones used in Tesla’s cars for self-driving features. According to Musk, Optimus will be five foot eight inches tall. It will have a screen where the head is for useful information. Tesla’s humanoid robot is to be designed so that humans will be able to run away from the robot or overpower it.

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It will have cameras on the head and lift 150 pounds

As seen in the slides Tesla displayed on Thursday show, there will be Autopilot cameras installed in the Tesla Bot’s head. Optimus which weighs 125 pounds will be able to carry 45 pounds and lift 150 pounds. Tesla’s Humanoid robot can run 5 miles per hour, according to Musk.

Does it make sense for Tesla to build robots?

Musk said they are not designing Tesla Bot to help with Tesla company’s manufacturing, but since they are developing a lot of the computers needed for robotics, it makes sense for Tesla to build a robot.

After explaining what facilities are designed in the “Tesla Bot” Humanoid robot prototype, Musk said they want Tesla’s humanoid robot to be able to go to the store and get its owner groceries explaining what they mean to build.


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