
Get to know the best applications suitable for students

Technology is advancing day by day and we are becoming more and more dependent on the new capabilities that technology offers. This progress has shown itself noticeably in the field of applications; So that every day we see the development and release of new applications that attract many users with their interesting features. In relation to this issue, we are going to introduce and review some of the best applications suitable for students so that these people can do their studies more easily. So if you are a student or a student, Stay with us in this article.

  1. CamScanner application

CamScanner is a smart scanner app that can help students in many ways. Sometimes professors ask you to hand over a PDF file to them after completing a project, research, or assignment. CamScanner application is very useful for these situations. This application allows you to easily and with incredible quality take pictures of different papers with your smartphone camera, and then this application will automatically convert those images into a PDF file and you can send it to your teacher.

One of the very good features of this application is the ability to intelligently recognize the text and page margins. In fact, this app, after scanning from your selected pages, professionally cuts the extra parts, makes the texts clearer and by automatically adjusting the brightness and color, it significantly increases the final quality of the PDF file. Other important features of this app include the ability to put a password on confidential PDF documents by users, the ability to sort documents based on things such as date, tag, image, and the ability to search accurately and quickly in the texts of PDF files.

  1. Quizlet app

Quizlet is an online flashcard design and creation app that makes studying for exams very easy. In fact, Quizlet has made it possible for users to design flash cards based on their desired topics and benefit from different learning methods. Before creating a flash card, you will be asked to join this application. After joining, you can create flash cards in the Latest Activity tab.

Some students may have already made flashcards with the topic you want, so it is better to search for your topic before making flashcards so that you can use the flashcards made by other people. In the Match section, you can learn by playing many games, and in the Test section, you can take part in written, multiple choice, and true/false tests of the Quizlet program. Students are also able to learn different languages ​​using this application and strengthen their language by doing the activities provided in this application.

  1. Word Hippo application

Word Hippo is an application to find terms and synonyms and as we all know, using the right words and terms in writing projects, researches and essays is very important for students. Any word you type in this app, Word Hippo will provide you with a great collection of synonyms and antonyms.

  1. Pomodoro app

Pomodoro is a great time management app based on the Pomodoro technique. The key role of this app is to help increase focus, especially since we are all distracted these days with smartphones and their capabilities. Pomodoro allows you to work continuously for 25 minutes without interruption and then take a 5 minute break. One of the interesting features of this app is that it considers a separate timer for each of your tasks. In fact, you can, for example, count the number of pomodoros for each subject separately. Also, you don’t need to register or join to work in this application.

  1. RefME application

Referencing various scientific sources can be a tedious process, especially if you lose the books and sources you used along the way of writing your research or dissertation. In this regard, we have to introduce the RefME application to you, which makes the process of finding and citing various sources much easier, and in this way, one of the biggest problems of students when writing essays and dissertations will be solved.

For graduate and doctoral students, this app has thousands of free educational resources that can be a great jumpstart to academic study and further research. This app helps students to find articles easily instead of spending hours on different websites to find them. Another important feature of this application is the ability to automatically list quotations, references, and books in different ways such as APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.

  1. Evernote app

Evernote is a very versatile note-taking app that can be a great companion for students during their studies. You can create and save your notes in a variety of ways, including text, drawings, photos, online web content, and even audio. In fact, this application provides the possibility of taking notes, recording photos, creating daily to-do lists, recording voice reminders and searching between notes through different devices. One of the most notable features of this application is the possibility of entering text or adding a caption for a photo and then searching for the photo based on the written text.

Students can even sync Google calendar with this application so that they are reminded of homework and exam dates. Other features of this very useful app include the ability to organize notes and tags, the ability to email notes and save tweets, scan digital cards, business cards, etc. to add to notes and a very modern user interface.

  1. Office Lens application

Office Lens is a very useful and suitable application in the field of document scanning, released by Microsoft. This application helps students to use a simple user interface and in just a few seconds to take photos of all kinds of documents, documents, class boards and items and send them in the form of scanned files in formats such as PDF, Word and Receive PowerPoint. We should mention that the creation files are editable and users can apply their desired changes on them.

By sharing these files in OneNote and OneDrive, it is possible to access them anytime and anywhere. Other features of this app include the ability to prepare a text version of the photos taken, the high accuracy of photo scanning, and its modern user interface.

  1. Motion plugin

Most students use laptops to do their academic work such as projects, assignments and research. This group of people use different websites so that they can finally do their work properly. But sometimes some factors appear in the websites that disturb their focus and make them neglect their main work. Motion is a free web browser extension that blocks ads and websites like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube while you’re reading and removes the temptation to use them.

The possibility of personalization is one of the good features of this plugin that you can block certain pages at certain times and days or even certain types of websites such as social networks or shopping sites while doing your studies. To help keep you motivated, the plugin also sends regular reports to your email to let you know how much of your online time has been spent correctly or wasted.

  1. Oxford English Dictionary app

The Oxford dictionary is one of the most widely used and famous dictionary apps in the world, which is an essential application for all students. This application contains more than 350,000 words, phrases and meanings and also supports more than 75,000 audio pronunciations for different words. Users can even expand their vocabulary by learning a new word every day and thanks to the daily notifications of this application.

Using this application, you don’t need to search for a long time to find a word and you only need to write the desired word in the search section so that the result will be displayed in the shortest possible time. Other important features of this dictionary include the voice search system, access to the latest vocabulary with more than 350,000 words, phrases and meanings, as well as its simple user interface.

  1. Forest application

Forest is a time management application that, with the motto Stay focused, be present and offering a creative approach, helps you maintain your focus and put your smartphone aside for a short period of time. How? By encouraging you to plant trees. In this app, when you specify the duration of your desired activity (minimum time is 10 minutes), you actually plant the seed of a tree. Then you put your phone away and go to your work or study so that in this period of time your seed will turn into a strong tree.

But if you exit the application for any reason, your tree will dry up. Therefore, to avoid this issue, you should resist the temptation to check your phone, continue your activity until your set time is over. This application also plays relaxing music for you. You earn points for planting each tree, and with the points you earn, you can buy new plants, trees, or music.

Another interesting thing about this application is that the company that provides this application plants real trees around the world based on its downloads and usage.

last word

Today, with the advancement of technology, many apps have been designed and offered for different people in the society, which also applies to students. In this article, we introduced and reviewed 20 of the best applications suitable for students, and we hope that by using them, you can spend the sweet time of your studies in the best possible way and leave good memories.




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