
History of Huawei company

The history of Huawei is the story of the largest telecommunications service provider in the world. The company was founded in 1987 about 30 years ago by an engineer from the People’s Liberation Army of China. The engineer who left the Liberation Army when he began writing the Huawei brand story; His name was Ren Zhengfi.

Huawei in the beginning of what it is known today; Like many superpowers in the world, it was a long way off. The company started its business by producing telephone switches. But what the Huawei brand is known for today is the construction of networks, communication equipment, the provision of operational services, and consulting to domestic and foreign companies.

More than 180,000 employees play a role in the Huawei brand story today. You may be interested in which country Huawei is in, or perhaps from the name of this brand, it can be guessed that the origin of this company is China. But more interestingly, the Chinese brand has more than 21 research centers in countries such as the United States, Canada, Finland, Pakistan, Germany, France and so on. And more than 76,000 of its 180,000 employees are in Huawei’s R&D alone.

History of Huawei

In 1980, the core of telecommunications networks were telephone exchange switches. In those years, the government sought to develop the country’s communications infrastructure. To this end, Chinese research groups sought to acquire the technology and invested heavily in foreign companies. At the same time, Ren Zhengfi chose another path; Realizing that foreign companies were reluctant to transfer their technology to Chinese companies, he called for joint ventures with foreign companies.

Ren’s goal was to reverse-engineer an in-house communications company that could compete with foreign companies. At the time of its founding, the initial capital was 21,000 yuan, and although Huawei denied it, the Eastern Economics magazine worked out that Huawei had borrowed $ 8.5 million from local banks for the initial capital.

In the early years, the company’s main activity was the import and sale of switches imported from Hong Kong. Simultaneously with the sale of these imports, it also focused on the issue of reverse engineering in order to establish its domestic production. Four years after its inauguration, the company had nearly 600 employees in research and development alone .In the following there are more detailed information about this awesome company which is very interesting to know.


Huawei’s name comes from a Chinese translation of its name. The first character of this word means glitter and the second character means achievement. Today, when this brand has been developed all over the world, it can be said that the brand name has been given to this brand from the beginning; Ren Zhengfei seems to have foreseen such a future for him from the very beginning of the company. In explaining the shape of the brand logo, we must point out that the root of the word Huawei means flower; The inspiration for the Huawei logo design idea comes from this original meaning.

One of Ren Zhengfei’s strategies was to expand relations; This led to the creation of the first national telecommunications network for the People’s Liberation Army of China. A small contract to develop the relationship was the path Zhengfei followed in the project. This strategy worked, and in 1994 Ren was put on the negotiating table with the party’s secretary general.

During the talks, Zhengfi convinced the party secretary general that switching equipment technology was closely linked to national security, and that the lack of network equipment for a country was like the absence of a military. Iqbal turned to Ren and the party secretary agreed with him on this issue. The result of this understanding was the expansion of Huawei’s business, and this was the second turning point in the story of the Huawei brand.

But the brand’s growing trend did not end there, with Huawei’s 1996 history adding another milestone. This year, the Beijing government implemented a new policy; The policy of restricting access to the products of foreign competitors and focusing on domestic products. The mutual support of the government and the army for Huawei led to the establishment of more centers for research and development.


In 1997, Huawei entered into its first foreign contract. A contract under which Huawei became responsible for providing regular services to Hong Kong and launching its wireless products at the end of the same year. In addition, it added services such as multiple access code sharing and mobile global service to its services. Finally, in 1999, another R&D center was established in India.


In 2009 the company succeeded in producing its first mobile phones. These Android phones were launched in collaboration with Tim mobile, and this was the beginning of Huawei’s serious activity in the field of mobile phones; And in this regard, it went so far that most people in Iran today know Huawei by producing its mobile phones and probably are not aware of the main activity of this company and the impact it has on the production of communication networks in the world.

What is very significant in the story of the Huawei brand; The company’s success in passing the Ericsson brand as one of the largest manufacturers of telecommunications equipment. Looking at Huawei’s activities and history over the past thirty years; Today, it has become one of the superpowers in the field of telecommunication equipment in the world.

Based on such experience, it is not far-fetched to predict that in the field of Android phone production, it will overtake brands such as Samsung. We have to wait and see.


In this article, we reviewed the history of Huawei and explained the history of the Huawei brand, the history of the Huawei company and the story of the Huawei brand. We hope you enjoy reading this article. Share this article about Huawei’s history with your friends and family members too who love Huawei.

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