
History of Nokia company

With a history of more than 1.5 centuries, the Finnish company Nokia is one of the oldest and largest brands in the field of mobile manufacturing in the world. In 1865, a man named Frederick Edstam started the Nokia Company with Leo Michelin. The company was initially involved in the paper industry, but in 1896, with Idestam retiring, Michelin took over, and in 1898, Nokia began producing tires and car tires.

The Nokia brand entered the field of telephone, telegraph and electrical wiring equipment in 1912 and currently operates in the field of information technology, electronic products and telecommunications industries. Nokia is currently headquartered in Espoo, Helsinki, Finland. Here in this article, there is detailed information about Nokia company which is very interesting to know and gain valuable  knowledge about. Don’t forget to share this awesome information about history of Nokia company with your friends and family members who love and admire Nokia brand and have lots of memories about using it in the past.

History of Nokia company

What we now know as Nokia was founded in 1865 as a wood-to-paper converter by a mining engineer named Frederic Idestam in Tampere, southwestern Finland, during the Russian Empire. In 1868, Idstam built another factory (the second) near Nokia, Finland, 15 km west of Tampere, which was a better source of hydroelectric power. This is the name the company is currently using. Founded in 1867, Nokia was divided into paper, bicycle and car tire manufacturers, footwear, personal computers, communication cables, televisions, electrical appliances, batteries, aluminum, and more.

The advent of current Nokia was made possible by the formation of the electronics division in the cable sector in 1960. In 1967, this section became a separate section and began to produce telecommunication equipment. In the 1970s, Nokia company became more involved in telecommunications with the Nokia DX200 200, a digital telephone switch, and in 1980, Nokia introduced a series of personal computers called the Micromicco. Although the PC part was sold to ICL, the company later became part of Fujitsu.

Expansion of Nokia Corporation

Nokia company had a strong presence in the Russian market in 1970, selling its products, including telecommunication center equipment and a variety of robotic products. The peak of sales of the company’s products in the Soviet Union was in the 1980s. One of the most influential executives in Nokia history was Carrie Kiramo, who was elected CEO in 1977. In the 1990s, Nokia added a number of companies, including Salora TV, Luxor AB, a computer electronics company, and the French TV company Oceaninc.

The first mobile phone made by Nokia

Nokia company was developed as a military and commercial mobile radio telecommunication technology. In 1964, Nokia expanded simultaneously with the salora oy as a VAF radio, and then in 1971 as an ARP handset.

Mobira began expanding the mobile network to the standard NMT network, and in the 1980s, in 1982, the first car phone was invented. Nokia acquired 100% of the plant in 1964 and changed the company’s telecommunications division to Nokia Mobira Ovi. Mobira Tuckman became the world’s first mobile phone in 1984. In 1987, Nokia introduced one of the world’s first mobile phones. It weighed less than 800 grams with a battery. It costs 24,000 Finnish marks, roughly equivalent to 4,560 euros.

The Nordic mobile phone became the world’s first standard mobile phone known as international roaming, and a valuable business for Nokia was to participate closely in the development of GSOM’s core mobile communication system. It was a digital standard that dominated the world of telephones in the 1990s and early 2006s with more than 2 billion Berkeley cell phones, and about 80% of the cell phones were manufactured in more than 200 countries. In Helsingi Sins on the World Wide Web, it was obtained by Finnish Prime Minister Harry Holkeri using the world’s phones.

In the 1970s, Nokia became part of the telecommunications industry. With the expansion of the Nokia DX200, it became a digital switch for telephone communication. Can be built to expand the production of various switches. For the 1970s Nokia Network The Nokia gadget network split into telephones, and the company, which owned the parent company and the Finnish state-owned company, sold its partners to the world company. Expanded Finland’s defense force.

Nokia human resources

In 2017, Nokia company had 102,000 employees worldwide. The company has many plans to manage its human resources. Nokia works with its employees to achieve its core goal of maintaining a successful, healthy, efficient and effective environment. Motivation, encouragement and employee satisfaction and job well-being are essential for Nokia. As a product manufacturer, Nokia works with its employees on formal and informal teams so that new ideas can be easily exchanged throughout the company.

Nokia company  has used various human resource systems to encourage its employees, including payment systems, employee training and development, and limited benefits. Employee compensation is not only essential to maintaining a healthy work environment, but Nokia’s goal is to meet the employee empowerment structure. Nokia rewards its employees for good performance, competency development and company success, and brings them more performance and share with higher rewards.

Each employee receives an annual basic loan depending on their position in the Nokia company. In a program called Connecting people Bonus Program, Nokia gives employees bonuses along with the annual base salary. There are also short-term incentives for each team member as a project. The company’s employees can also buy Nokia shares.

History of Nokia company

Nokia activity in recent years

In 2015, Nokia company  acquired French telecommunications company Alcatel-Lucent for € 15.6 billion to expand its R&D network. The Finnish company unveiled its first full 5G network in 2016, and in 2018 signed a contract with NTT docomo, Japan’s largest telecommunications operator, to launch a 5G wireless network in the country by 2020. The other part of Nokia’s new activities is the Internet of Things. Companies acquired by Nokia in the IoT industry include Wittings and California-based startup Space Time Insight.

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