
Introducing 5 programming languages ​​for artificial intelligence

Today, there is no doubt that artificial intelligence will soon become an integral part of our lives. In this article, we will review the best artificial intelligence programming languages.

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of artificial intelligence include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision.

The artificial intelligence that we see today is called limited artificial intelligence or weak artificial intelligence (weak AI); This artificial intelligence can only handle small tasks such as face recognition, internet search or driving a car. The long-term goal in the field of artificial intelligence is to create general artificial intelligence (General AI) that is capable of performing all human cognitive tasks.

Some of the artificial intelligence technologies that we use on a daily basis:

  • Spam filters
  • Speech-to-text technologies
  • Siri, conrtana
  • Smart search
  • Personalized smart ads
  • Chatbots

Of course, technologies relying on artificial intelligence are not limited to these few cases. Artificial intelligence has paved new ways for the advancement of technology.

With the boom of artificial intelligence, the need for skilled programmers and engineers who are fluent in programming languages ​​has also increased a lot.

What is a programming language for artificial intelligence?

As AI hype has increased, vendors are scrambling to promote how their products and services use AI. Often, what they refer to as AI is simply another component of artificial intelligence, machine learning. Artificial intelligence requires a foundation of specialized hardware and software to write and train machine learning algorithms. Artificial intelligence programming language is not a single language. Few languages ​​are popular for AI programming. Python and Java can be mentioned among artificial intelligence languages.

What is artificial intelligence programming?

In general, AI systems work by taking large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the data for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to predict future states. In this way, a chatbot fed samples of text chats can learn to create real-world exchanges with people, or an image recognition tool can learn to identify and describe objects in images by going through millions of examples. All these features are possible using artificial intelligence programming.

The best programming language for artificial intelligence

If you are interested in artificial intelligence, or even want to develop your own personal AI projects, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular and widely used artificial intelligence programming languages. Below we mention some of these languages

Before entering the main discussion, we must remind that it is difficult to choose one of these languages ​​as the “best artificial intelligence programming language”, because each of these languages ​​has its own characteristics and can help advance artificial intelligence projects.

Artificial Intelligence with Python

Today, no one can deny Python’s privileged position in the world of artificial intelligence. Simplicity, flexibility and expandability have made this language one of the most popular and popular languages.

In the late 1980s, Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum thought of developing a language that would be easier to work with than previous languages ​​and would not have some of their limitations. The result of his efforts was the Python programming language.

Python is one of the open-source languages. This means that its source code is available to others without charge and everyone can contribute to its modification and improvement.

This language is one of the most ideal programming languages ​​for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Python has many fans because of its simple syntax and concise codes. The language uses readability keywords, allows for object-oriented programming, and can be integrated with other languages ​​such as Java. Compared to other programs, Python’s development speed is much faster and it allows to test algorithms without real implementation.

One of the most important strengths of Python that has increased its popularity among programmers, especially in artificial intelligence, is its large standard library. This feature makes it easier to use Python in the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems.

Currently, Python is widely used in all areas of artificial intelligence, from data mining to machine vision and natural language processing. Libraries such as TensorFlow, Cress, PieTorch and Psychit-Learn are some of the most famous Python libraries used in artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence with Prolog

It is one of the oldest programming languages. This language was first developed in the early 1970s by a team led by Alan Klemerer. Prolog has a powerful logical framework that works with three elements, facts, rules, and goals. The programmer must define all three of these elements, and Prolog establishes relationships between them by analyzing facts and rules that reach certain results. Since the solutions developed with this program are based on logical rules instead of relying on pre-existing propositions, they are very suitable for developing artificial intelligence systems. Prolog is commonly used to build chatbots, voice assistants, and graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

Prolog is a logical programming language that plays an important role in artificial intelligence programming. In Prologue, logic is expressed in terms of relationships called truths and rules. The heart of Prolog lies in applied logic, and a formula or calculation is performed by running a query on these relationships.

Among the advantages of this programming language for artificial intelligence, it can be mentioned that: It is an easy language for creating a database that does not require a lot of programming effort. Prolog is widely used in artificial intelligence; It is also used for pattern matching on natural language parsing trees.

Artificial Intelligence with Lisp

Lisp was created in 1958 by John McCarthy. Lisp is very flexible and can be used in machine learning. This language is known for its speed of prototyping and dynamic creation of new objects. However, Lisp is not very popular today, because it has a very difficult syntax and is difficult to learn. Also, compared to a language like Python, it does not have many rich libraries.

LISP stands for list processing. This family of AI programming languages ​​is the second oldest programming language still in use, beaten by Fortran by only one year. LISP remains popular in AI research and as an AI programming language.

Originally created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs, Lisp quickly became the programming language of choice for artificial intelligence research. As one of the first programming languages, LISP pioneered many ideas in computer science, including tree data structures, automatic storage management, and dynamic typing.

Artificial Intelligence with Java

Java is one of the most popular programming languages ​​that has many open source libraries. Java is platform independent which makes it suitable for artificial intelligence development. This language is a standard and flexible programming language in which it is easy to debug the code, it has high extensibility, it is able to support large projects, and data can be displayed graphically.

Java is easy to learn and its virtual machine (JVM) technology makes it possible to develop the AI ​​language on different platforms. The slogan that is usually attributed to the designers of this language indicates the same ability to run the codes on various platforms: “Write One, Run Anywhere”. Java is the most widely used programming language in the world.

Java has strengths that make it possible to use it as an artificial intelligence programming language. The most important advantages of Java are its ease of use, high debugging speed and automatic memory management.

However, this language also has its own disadvantages. For example, Java is slower than a language like C++. This issue makes the development of projects in this language time-consuming.

It may not be unreasonable to say that Java does not have the necessary maturity to be widely used in artificial intelligence programming. But the uses that this language currently has in artificial intelligence cannot be easily ignored.

Overall, Java’s advantages outweigh its disadvantages and it can be considered one of the good artificial intelligence programming languages.

Artificial intelligence with C++

C++ is a multi-purpose and multi-paradigm programming language developed in 1983 by Bjarne Stroustrup. Usually, C++ is also known as “the fastest programming language”.

Because C++ has a complex syntax, it cannot be the first choice of AI programming language.

One of the limitations of C++ is having a small standard library. Although it is highly efficient in terms of C++ control, it is very difficult to manage large projects in this language and it takes a lot of time for programmers to develop. Maybe that’s why many people don’t use C++ in AI programming.

One of the most important applications of C++ in artificial intelligence is its use in Google Chrome. This programming language has been used in parts of AI that are used to improve search engines and rankings.


Sooner or later, artificial intelligence will cover all areas of life. No one wants to be left behind in the wave of artificial intelligence changes. For this, you need to understand the work of artificial intelligence systems, and one of the first steps in getting to know artificial intelligence is learning artificial intelligence programming languages.

Undoubtedly, in the next few years, the world will no longer be in the state we see. Many of today’s jobs will become meaningless and new jobs that use artificial intelligence technologies will be formed.




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