
Introducing 8 Alexa alternative tools

After years of activity, the Alexa website finally ended its work. This site has been used by webmasters, SEO experts and digital marketers to analyze websites. Many employers accepted the Alexa tool to check their site; But for some reasons, the owners of the Alexa tool decided to stop the operation of this website. Therefore, in this article, we are going to introduce tools that can be a suitable alternative to Alexa. So stay with IT magazine.

What was Alexa?

Using traffic data, Alexa ranks millions of sites on the Internet and creates a list of the most popular sites on the Internet, which are called Alexa Rank. The site rank in Alexa actually shows the popularity of the site compared to other sites. In other words, Alexa ranking is an average of the number of visitors to the site and the number of pages viewed from the same site. The closer your rank is to one, the better your site is.

SimilarWeb SimilarWeb

The Similar Web tool started working in 2007 and today it is considered as one of the main alternatives to the famous site Alexa. SimilarWeb is used to check backlinks, site reviews and competitor evaluations. Among the features and outputs of this tool, the following can be mentioned:

  • The global ranking system provides a ranking within the country and a ranking in the category of activity relative to competitors.
  • Audience interaction with the site: Among the outputs of this section, we can mention the monthly visits, the retention rate on the site and the bounce rate. In this section, the Similar Web site provides reports on the demographic status of the site’s audience, including the audience’s gender, age, and interests.
  • Competitors: In the reports of this section, the input channels to the website are displayed. These channels include input through media (image, video, etc.), direct entry of site address, search engines, social networks, email, and links from other websites.
  • Marketing channels: In this section, you can see the percentage of entry through natural and paid search for keywords.


Semrush tool is very useful for checking SEO and site programming. Compared to the Alexa tool, Semrash provides more detailed information about website errors and technical issues. Among the reports of Samrash website, the following can be mentioned:

  • Metatag errors (title tag, description, etc.)
  • H tag errors
  • In the organic keyword section, the top keywords are reported along with the time frame of their changes, as well as more details that can be used for keyword research.
  • Site review against competitors with very attractive pie charts. The width and size of the circles indicate the superior position.
  • Checking the backlinks of the site
  • Check indexed pages
  • Website errors (400, 500)
  • Checking the content of pages (pages with poor content, pages with duplicate content, etc.)
  • You can easily optimize any website using this tool. Note that this powerful tool is paid

MOZ Tool (MOZ)

If you are a website designer or are engaged in SEO, you must have heard the name Maze. Domain authority and page authority are among the points that this website gives to other sites. DA and PA can be a suitable alternative for ranking the site by Alexa. Apart from these cases, the MOZ site has many free and paid services, some of which we will mention below. You can use this useful tool after the Alexa website is closed.

Free Maze website tool

  • Keyword explorer tool: To use this tool, you only need to be a member of the MOZ site and use the keyword research tool.
  • Link explorer tool: Using this tool, you can identify the backlinks given to your site.
  • Moz bar: Moz bar provides useful and valuable information about sites DA, PA and spam score. Note that Mazbar is an extension and is installed on the browser.

Maz site paid tools

  • Rank tracking tool: This tool helps you understand where each of your keywords is compared to your competitors.
  • Crawl Diagnostics tool: This tool crawls your site and evaluates the content on your website and gives you suggestions for correction.
  • Page optimization score tool: This tool checks the pages of the site from various dimensions.

Ahrefs tool

Ahref tool is one of the paid sites, but due to the reports it provides, it is very valuable for SEOs and webmasters. The tools available in Ahref are as follows:

  • Competitor Analysis Tool: This tool shows website traffic and backlinks compared to competitors in great detail.
  • Keyword research tool: In this section, keyword difficulty, ranking, search volume, competitors’ position in the keyword, etc. are presented.
  • Backlinks Tool: Ahref offers one of the most complete backlink reporting tools. It is recommended to use this tool to check external SEO.
  • Rank tracking tool: This site shows the ranking of the website compared to competitors over time
  • Alert Tool: Using this tool, you register your site or your competitors so that it will notify you if it receives a backlink.

Google tools

These tools have no substitute and you must use them. Google tools provide so much complete information about the website that the empty presence of Alexa is not felt. But these tools only provide detailed reports about the registered website and do not provide information about the competitor.

Google Analytics and Google Search Console are among the prominent tools that must be used. In Google Analytics, you can fully track the activity and behavior of the site’s audience. In Google Search Console, you can see reports about website errors and Google traffic, backlinks, and other webmaster reports.

RankWatch tool

This tool has its own fans among webmasters with very high accuracy, constant updating and very reasonable usage cost and is developing rapidly. Among the features of this site, the following can be mentioned:

  • Check backlinks
  • Check keywords
  • Checking the ranking of websites

It is possible to use the Rankwatch tool for a 14-day trial.

What websites are obsolete like Alexa?

Tools such as CustomRank,, and Quantcast are among the tools that are no longer usable due to lack of continuous updates and oldness. We suggest that you use Similarob, Maz, Samrush, Ahref, and Rankwatch tools instead of Alexa tools to analyze the website. This list will be completed in the future. If you know of another tool, write to us in the comments section.



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