
Introducing the best websites to learn programming

Introducing the best websites to learn programming

If you are interested in programming and you don’t know how to learn this heavy skill and of course extremely promising and attractive, it is recommended to read this article until the end because we are going to introduce several great websites to learn programming.

Programming is one of the most lucrative skills that many people around the world are looking to learn these days. Of course, being profitable is definitely the result of years of hard work and training, because not everyone can learn programming very simply and at the beginner level and expect to earn a good income with it.

However, programming is not a skill that cannot be learned from 0 to 100. Of course, you should know the way and know what skills you should go for and how to start a business with these skills. In this article, we are dealing with the first case. That is, how to start the programming process and learn it. In this regard, we are going to introduce you to a series of good websites that can help you in self-learning.

Before introducing these websites, we must give you a series of explanations so that you can better understand this fascinating, challenging and of course not easy science.

What is programming?

Before you even want to start learning programming, you must first know a series of things about it. Many people pass a course called “programming” in high school. But you should know that whether you like it or not, core programming has a similar but incredibly vast and challenging world.

Programming was created so that computers, mobiles and any other hardware can work properly and react to your every action. In fact, the language through which the computer can communicate with humans is programming, which consists of math and logic.

Programming languages ​​are also divided into two levels; High-level and low-level languages, the first of which is far from our computer, and the low-level is a short distance. In other words, when we want to talk to the computer with high-level languages ​​such as PHP, Java, C, C#, etc., these languages ​​must be converted into low-level languages ​​such as assembly.

We definitely do not intend to define programming in detail in this article. Therefore, we will settle for this amount and go to more important information such as prerequisites. That is, before you want to start programming, what should you know?

Programming prerequisite

Before you start programming, you must have some skills. It is not possible to learn a difficult skill without preparing the brain to learn it. Of course, a series of these skills are not necessarily academic, but depend on the individual’s commitment, knowing the goal, creating motivation, etc. In the following, we will introduce these prerequisites.


One of the main skills that you should be familiar with before programming is algorithm. Algorithm is a structured and step-by-step method to solve a problem, and in simpler words, it is considered an intermediate language between human language and programming language. That is, in order for the

computer to be able to solve larger and more complex problems, a programmer must convert it into smaller and more comprehensible parts.

Thanks to the division made by the programmer, the computer understands from which stage it should start the problem solving process and proceed. For example, as follows:

  • Take the number 1
  • Take the number 2
  • Put 1 + 2 in G
  • Display G

Now, it is only enough that these instructions are translated step by step by the programmer into the desired programming language so that the computer can read it and, thanks to these divisions, easily solve the desired problem.


When you hear the name of mathematics, avoid terms like differential and integral. You are not supposed to deal with these concepts. In order for you to be able to write loops and conditionals with proper logic, you need to know as much math as you need. Boolean logic and probabilities play the most important role in programming. Therefore, you should logically deal with complex and nested programming conditions and write a suitable algorithm to solve it.


If you are one of those people who are bothered by the sound of typing on the keyboard and you are not good at it at all, stop programming. But if you like this skill but you don’t have much ability in it, you should practice to be able to type quickly. The higher your typing speed, the more enjoyable and sweeter coding will be for you. Even if you don’t practice, as long as this process is not boring for you, you can master it over time.

Familiarity with computers

Naturally, when you want to write a program for the computer, you must first be familiar with the computer. That is, at least know what a computer is and what it does. You don’t need to go to a class and spend money, if possible get help from someone who has good knowledge in this field or look for free tutorials on the Internet so that you can find a relative skill in this field.

Familiarity with the Internet

This is perhaps the most important skill a good programmer should master. It may seem very simple, but the skill of searching is very necessary to find the problems that you often encounter while coding. What articles to find and read that are relevant to your work, how to access them for free, etc., all depend on your search skills. The Internet becomes extremely important when you are programming for the web, and you must know various concepts such as network and IP, etc.

What do we need for programming?

Now that you have come this far, it means that you are definitely interested in this skill and want to become a programmer. So we have to tell you what things should be inside a programmer’s computer.

Reliable Internet: Maybe you don’t need the Internet to write a series of codes, but you will definitely need it to search to solve the problem. So be sure to prepare a good internet for yourself.

A fast and well-equipped browser: A browser is more important than bread for a programmer because not only can he find the answer to his problems in it, but he must also be able to run and test the programs he writes on it. (Chrome and Firefox are good browsers for this purpose).

Text editor: To write simple codes on the computer, you need a text editor. Of course, operating systems have these editors by default, among which Windows, Linux, and Mac can mention notepad, Vim, and textEdit, respectively.

Compiler: The software you create must be translated from human language to computer language after the completion of the coding process. The compiler also does this. If you use an IDE for programming, you don’t need a separate compiler because the IDE has a compiler built into it. If you only have a text editor, you definitely need a compiler.

IDE: If you are not familiar with IDE, we must say that it is an integrated software development environment that makes programming easier in many ways. IDEs not only often use compilers, but also use tools for testing and debugging (troubleshooting), code guides, etc. Currently, NetBeans IDE is available for programming in Java, for Android, Android Studio, and PHPStorm for programming in PHP.

Introducing the best websites to learn programming

The most well-known and popular programming languages ​​in the world

  • Java Script
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • GO
  • Objective-C and Swift
  • C#
  • Java and Kotlin
  • HTML and CSS (popular markup languages)
  • SQL (popular database language)

Introducing the best English websites for programming

coursera: conducting excellent online courses by professional and experienced professors of the world

khanacademy: A large academy founded by Salman Khan, the famous Indian actor, which offers several courses including programming.

tutsplus: A comprehensive site that, although it initially had few tutorials in the field of Photoshop, now has educational content in many areas, including programming.

teamtreehouse: holding various training courses in the field of web design, application development for Android and iOS, courses related to business and entrepreneurship, etc.

developer.mozilla: A great website for beginners who want to learn languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

w3schools: A great website for beginners whose content is even simpler and easier to understand than the examples provided by Mozilla. As a result, beginners can make the best use of it completely free of charge.

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