
Introducing the Flutter framework (the best and most comprehensive application development framework)

iOS and Android share almost the same code base with similar UI representations and user experiences. This was the only reason why the tech giant Google came up with Future of Flutter, one of the best cross-platform app development frameworks to date. You are somehow aware of this amazing framework. This Framework is nothing but the world famous Flutter. One of the best features of Flutter is that anyone with basic knowledge can learn it, and this is due to the Dart programming language, which is optimized for fast applications on any platform.

The Flutter framework is now growing at a fast and steady pace. This is because most developers have shifted from single-platform application development frameworks to cross-platform application development frameworks.

This major change has enabled Flutter to be a strong competitor to other SDKs/frameworks globally and has given new life and perspective to cross-platform mobile app development technology. Due to this change, Flutter now has a strong presence in the international market. Another cool thing about Flutter is that it’s an open source SDK.

In the programming world now it seems everyone is either talking about apps that use these specific technologies or comparing Flutter to React Native (one of Flutter’s strongest competitors). It’s easy to guess because both of them are a bit “weird” to most software developers.

Several startups and SMMEs have come up with innovative and robust digital solutions using Flutter, and brands like Google Ads, Hookle, Tencent, etc. have exclusively used the Flutter SDK to accelerate their business. Also around the world, mobile app development technology is constantly leaning towards unprecedented development trends, from scripts and code and app development platforms to integration, development methods and ways to deploy a completed project. These trends are undergoing an unexpected transformation.

Advantages of Flutter framework

  • Flutter uses the same code across all platforms. Be it iOS or Android or any other Linux kernel operating system.
  • Flutter’s documentation is clear, simple and understandable.
  • Flutter offers impressive and unique widgets.
  • As an open source SDK supported by Google, it has a large community worldwide. This helps speed up the development and problem solving process.
  • Flutter is equipped with a Hot Reload feature that allows designers and developers to instantly see changes and make necessary improvements.
  • Flutter’s cross-platform compatibility is excellent

How is Flutter useful for startups?

The basic principle of every startup around the world is to adapt to the ever-evolving technology environment and provide innovative digital solutions. In addition, startups are eager to test what works too quickly or doesn’t work at all. Almost the same applies to SMMEs. So, here are some key points for SMEs and startups while embracing Flutter technology:

  • Since the launch of the Flutter framework, startup developers around the world have come up with powerful solutions using Flutter that have become a benchmark for others. All these events made Flutter popular in a short period of time.
  • Not only SMMEs and startups, but also large companies such as Alibaba and eBay implemented solutions based on cross-platform technology such as Flutter. This shows that its convenience is beyond any doubt.
  • Cross-platform application development such as Flutter allows software developers to deliver rapid changes and updates within seconds. Also, Flutter has a stunning user interface and is much better than Android Studio or Visual Studio.
  • What makes Flutter a king among other IDEs is its ability to connect with other IDEs around the world. Hence, it becomes easy to save time and resources to achieve the same results for every development team.

Flutter key features during mobile app development

Apps built in Flutter are now widely known for minimal coding because Flutter comes with Hot Reload. This feature is especially useful for developers who are busy fixing bugs or trying out a new design. Flutter is an amazing feature that allows you to see the necessary changes in real time.

In terms of performance, too, Flutter ranks much better than its native counterparts. Flutter uses Dart and helps developers create a first-class user experience.

The Flutter framework is great when working with Android and iOS platforms. This one-time encoding feature prevents you from maintaining two different files for the same result. In other words, write and compile a single piece of code and use it to create incredible high-performance apps for iOS and Android in no time.

Rapid Cross-Platform Application Development

Flutter’s increasing popularity has many reasons. The best way is to provide the fastest results. Software developers can quickly debug and test code. Meeting planned work deadlines, reducing related costs and other resources and efforts in developing applications with Flutter is much less.

Seamless integration of Firebase and stunning 2D

Firebase is a popular BaaS (Backend-as-a-Service) platform for web and mobile application development. Similar to Flutter, it is also developed solely by Google. When creating Flutter, Google took special care and integrated Firebase with the Flutter SDK. As a result, services such as data and web analytics, crash and bug reporting, database management became much easier for developers.

If you are looking for a platform that can help you create interactive animations. This is the best choice for you. Flutter comes with a 2D Flare, which is great for interactive applications, animation, cool user interfaces, and games. A master developer with advanced knowledge of Flutter can easily create incredible apps and solve many existing problems.

Countless open source packages

As mentioned earlier, Flutter is an open source project supported by a dedicated community of developers around the world who are ready to quickly answer any questions. It has several open source packages that are freely available.

As a result, developers can choose which package or library to use without compromising any critical functionality. Some of the best free packages are Frideos_flutter, HTTP, shared_preferences, in_app_purchase, SQLite, Flutter ECommerce, Loading Animations, etc.

A single code-base for different platforms

We already had a glimpse of this Flutter feature. Flutter is a hassle-free SDK to develop an app for various platforms like iOS, Android, Desktop. You can also have a web and embedded application using Flutter. All this is possible because of a single code-base feature.

Developers and mobile app development companies are always looking for a solution like Flutter SDK because it makes app development easy and reduces related costs and time. Flutter is just that and does what an app developer wants.

Impressive and personalized widgets

Flutter consists of multiple widgets, interactive items, and easily customizable layers to create dynamic layouts and vibrant user interfaces. This makes it easy for developers. There are two widgets in Flutter – the Cupertino and Material Design widgets, both of which are great.

Easy adaptation

Flutter is much easier to adapt to different operating systems like iOS, Android or any integrated kernel-based operating system like Linux OS. Since this framework uses Google’s Dart programming language, it may not seem as popular as C++, Python, or Java. But the best thing about this programming language is its simplicity.

App developers who are not familiar with the Dart programming language may need a week or two to learn it. After doing that, they never look back. This kind of functionality and simple nature of Flutter makes it the best choice among developers in the world. Its documentation process is much simpler.

10 Popular Apps Developed Using Flutter SDK

Here is a list of brands that have developed with Flutter or several apps to provide their core services.

  • Google Ads
  • ClusterMe
  • Reflect
  • Xianyu by Alibaba
  • Postmuse – Instagram photo editing program
  • Groupon App
  • Hookle – social media management program
  • Hamilton Musical
  • Watermaniac
  • Cryptograph

Finally, why is it important to choose the Flutter framework for cross-platform application development?

  1. Quickly create dynamic and eye-catching user interfaces using widgets, layers, and interactivity.
  2. The UI in Flutter is composed of widgets (putting together small UI building elements) using composition.
  3. Flutter takes care of rendering in pixels. This ensures that the widgets look the same on every mobile device. It also eliminates any potential device support issues. Hence, it is easy to design stunning UIs.
  4. It’s easy to create apps for mobile, desktop and web using the same code base.



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