
Is Huawei better than Samsung?

As a rule, each brand advertises its manufactured handsets and expresses its positive features so that the audience will be interested in buying the desired handset. Sometimes the advertisements of different brands of phones are so attractive that the audience hesitates between choosing two different brands of phones and loses their decision-making power.

Therefore, in this article we are going to compare Samsung phone with Huawei so that if you are hesitant to buy a phone between these two brands, you can have the best choice. It is true that each of these brands has its own characteristics and each has its own fans, but in this article, we tried to compare these features with Samsung and Huawei and provide complete information about each of them. You put.

Change over time; Brand advancement!

Samsung has long been one of the best phone brands in the world with its advanced and modern products; The company attracted many fans around the world by producing its A and S series. It was so popular that few people turned to Huawei phones; But today, Huawei has become so popular that it can be considered a revived rival of Samsung.

Of course, a comparison of the Samsung phone with Huawei and the share of each of them in the market, shows that Samsung still has a larger market share. One reason for this could be the popularity of the Samsung brand; And not just its higher quality! Huawei has the fastest progress compared to other phones and has been able to become Samsung’s new competitor in the market in a short time. Huawei’s large investment in the market and widespread advertising has had a significant impact on such growth.

History of Huawei and Samsung companies

Compared to Samsung and Huawei, the Samsung brand is older than Huawei. Samsung is a Korean brand that has been around for about eighty years and is headquartered in South Korea. In contrast, Huawei is only about 30 years old, established in China, and has been in the global market for about 10 years.

Huawei is arguably China’s first smartphone maker, headquartered in Shenzhen. The high antiquity of Samsung products as well as the excellent quality of these products have made Samsung phones superior to Huawei in comparison with Samsung and Huawei phones. In fact, the long history of Samsung phones has made more people trust this brand and consider it a popular brand and choose it safely.

Fingerprint technology

When comparing Samsung with Huawei, we notice that the new series of these phones are in close competition with each other. For example, until recently, fingerprint technology was used only for high-end phones, while in the new Huawei series, fingerprint has also been activated. The use of these up-to-date technologies has brought the Huawei brand closer to Samsung. This feature and some of the up-to-date features of phones are important to many people and affect their decision to buy a phone .

Compare Samsung phone camera with Huawei camera

In the following comparison of Samsung phone with Huawei, we will examine the camera quality of these two brands. Normally, the cameras of Huawei Lite phones are of very good quality and you can take very good photos with it. The quality of the Huawei camera is not very high compared to the Samsung camera, but it can be acceptable for people who do not need a camera much.

Samsung’s high-end handsets have high-quality cameras; These phones usually take realistic, high-resolution photos; The Samsung phone also prevents blurring of photos due to its anti-shake feature. If you want to compare Huawei phones , you can read the camera resolution of this brand of phones.

Other camera features of Samsung phones include their variable aperture. Variable aperture is a feature that automatically adjusts the camera to ambient light, allowing for clearer images; Huawei is one step behind Samsung due to the lack of such a feature

Weakness of mid-range phones

The disadvantage of mid-range phones is the quality of their camera. The quality of photography and video recording of these phones is not very definable; Especially if you plan to shoot at night and in a dark place. When comparing Samsung phones with Huawei, we find that the camera quality of Samsung phones is superior to Huawei. Elite The result in comparing Xiaomi phone with Samsung is completely in favor of the Chinese brand.

Another disadvantage of mid-range phones is that they drain the battery quickly and have poor charging performance. This is more common in Huawei phones than Samsung. Another drawback of mid-range phones is that Google services are not supported after the US embargo; Of course, Huawei has tried to solve this problem to some extent with the HMS service.

Processor power

Compared to Samsung and Huawei in terms of processor power, Huawei is the winner. Huawei smartphones have seven-nanometer processors. It is true that Samsung phones also have high-performance processors, but compared to Huawei phones, it has performed poorly and offers fewer features to the user. Samsung sells some of its processors in limited numbers to other companies, but Huawei has stated that it will not do so.

Comparison of high-end phones from Samsung and Huawei

Comparing Samsung phones with Huawei in the mid-range series shows that Samsung phones are better, but is the answer the same in the higher categories? In higher categories, the screen of the Samsung phone performs better and more powerfully. Huawei would be a good choice if one also needs a more powerful processor. Huawei series phones are less expensive than Samsung; Therefore, Huawei can meet the needs of people who want to buy products with reasonable prices and relatively good performance.


In general, a comparison of Samsung and Huawei phones shows that Samsung attracts a lot of fans every year due to its popularity and fame; Being the same brand, along with its good performance, has made it a little more expensive than Huawei phones. Today, however, Huawei has been able to keep up with Samsung products due to the investment of its manufacturer and extensive publicity.

Typically, for people who care about the quality of the phone’s camera, Samsung phones will be a better option. Since the Huawei series has a more powerful processor, people for whom the game is a priority, it is better to choose Huawei phones. People who want to buy a smartphone at a reasonable price can choose the Huawei phone because these phones are reasonably priced.

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