
JavaScript popularity among other software programming languages

The trends in the programming industry are not the same as they were ten years ago. There has been an evolution in the web development industry. Years ago, web development was all about the development of web pages and websites for the intranet and internet. But now, web development is more focused on creating complex and detailed web, mobile, and desktop applications.
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What does JavaScript do?

If you want to know what Java Script is, and how our lives today are dependent on it, you can disable JavaScript in your browser. Disabling JavaScript, some pages will load quicker, and you will see cleaner pages and fewer ads. There will be no pop-ups and your battery life will last longer. But parts of the web pages won’t work. You can’t use Google Docs, Google Maps, Netflix, YouTube, and much more. To function, we are dependent on JavaScript. These days, there is has JavaScript interpreters installed on almost every computing device in the world.

JavaScipt is used on 95% of the websites in the world. According to many reports, JavaScript is the most used programming language in the world. But what is the reason behind JavaScript popularity among all programming languages? First, let’s take a look at the history of JavaScript.

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A brief history of JavaScript

The world wide web was first introduced in the year 1991. Those days, programmers used HTML to create a structure for numbers. But it was too fragile and difficult to maintain when it came to creating site structures.

In 1993, the Mosaic web browser, the first browser with GUI access for everyone, was released. It was a big step in the growth of the world wide web. They added scripting language to Navigator in 1995, and JavaScript was released later as a part of Navigator.

Mozilla and Google Chrome are also released with JavaScript engines.

JavaScript is a language beyond HTML and CSS. Not only is it capable of doing what other programming languages do but also it has a special relationship with the browser. JavaScript changed the way we thought about the internet and opened the door to a new era of browser-based applications.

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What is the reason behind JavaScript popularity?

Now that we know about the history of JavaScript, a question is raised: why did it get so popular?

Easy setup

With JavaScript, anyone having a web browser has a development environment right in front of them, while with many other languages, you need to download the language in order to access all of its features for creating a development environment. JavaScript is supported by every browser!

You just need to open your browser and start coding in Developer Tools!

Event-based programming

JavaScript includes event-based programming. It means JS has built-ins that before executing a specific segment of code, wait for user interaction on a website. For example, when the user clicks the night-mode toggle, that is an event triggering a JS code segment to change the CSS across the whole website from light colors to dark colors.

Developers can use JavaScript to generate dynamic content on a website as well. based on user input, different HTML tags can be generated.


When Node.JS was released in 2009, the fate of the language was changed. Node.JS is a runtime environment that runs JavaScript code outside a web browser. It lets developers use JavaScript to write server-side scripting and represents the idea of the “JavaScript everywhere” paradigm as with Node.JS languages for server-side and client-side scripts are the same.


JavaScript libraries and frameworks that have made application development efficient and performant. Today, some libraries are used in most applications across the world and some frameworks provide optimal performance and organization to build large applications.


JavaScript has one of the largest communities among the programming languages. Node.JS is also one of the most widely used technologies.

These are not all the reasons behind JavaScript popularity, but now you know if you want to enter the world of programming and explore the amazing possibilities of web development, JavaScript is one of the best languages to start learning.

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