Hosting and Domains

What is a premium domain? Getting to know the features of specific domains

After finding a great and creative idea for a website, what you need is a suitable domain name. Search for the name you want and see that the price of these domains is much higher than a normal domain with the same extension; But why does this happen? Probably the domain you want is a premium domain. In this article, you will find the answers to all your questions in response to the question “What is a premium domain?” you will receive Stay with us.

What is a premium domain?

Premium domain names usually include short, memorable and catchy names or proper names. You can easily tell if a domain name is premium or not by looking at the price of the domain.

What factors determine a premium domain name?

There are no specific rules for determining special domains and this decision is made only at the discretion of the registry. The domain owner and the price offered by buyers determine whether the available domain is premium.

However, there are a few general features that distinguish premium domain names from the rest.

Length: The shorter the domain name, the better it will be remembered by users. Short 2- and 3-letter domain names are commonly used for abbreviations by various companies; For this reason, they usually have a high price and most of these names are considered premium domains.

Of course, longer domains can also be valuable. However, most good domains rarely consist of more than a few words.

Direct traffic: A good and memorable domain name can provide more organic traffic to the website.

Brandability: If the domain has the ability to be used as a brand, it can have a higher price, even if it is longer.

SEO: usually exact search terms have a higher price; Because if the domain name matches the terms searched in search engines, it can be said that the domain name is suitable. A suitable domain should contain a brand name or one or more business keywords.

Types of premium domains

The first type: AfterMarket Premium Domains

The first type of premium domain refers to any memorable domain name with high marketing value, which are called premium aftermarket domains and are usually domains with catchy and short names that were previously purchased by individuals or companies and now re- are sold

For example, was registered in 2001 and sold for $30 million in 2019. The name of this domain is short and memorable and has a high value, so it is considered as a premium name.

Second type: Registry Premium Domains

The second type of premium domains includes domains that are sold directly by registrars at a higher price. These domains, unlike first type names, have not yet been registered by any individual or company. If you search for such domains, you will find that they are available for registration, but they cost much more than a standard domain with the same extension.

Typically, two- and three-letter AfterMarket domains are considered premium, regardless of their extension.

Any domain that the owner is willing to sell and the buyer is willing to pay can be a premium domain; Even if the domain name is random or long.

How much do premium domains cost?

The price of these domains is determined by the main registrar and there is no fixed price for them. The reasons for determining the price of domains are information that is not available to the public and is determined based on the discretion of the registrar and the estimated value of that domain. Pricing on existing premium domains is done by their owners.

The initial price of all premium domains, regardless of the type of domain (Registry or Aftermarket), is often very high – either for registration, or domain transfer.

The renewal price is usually equal to the standard price for special extensions, but it is not always calculated that way; Registries sometimes set a renewal price that can be equal to or close to the

Important note: If you are planning to buy a premium domain, in addition to the initial registration/purchase fee, be sure to check the renewal fee for the next year of your domain.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a premium domain?

Premium domains are expensive; So before buying, you should check the pros and cons and see if such a domain is worth buying or not. In some cases a premium domain is definitely worth the high cost, while in some other cases it may be an unjustified expense and just a waste of money.

Benefits of buying a premium domain

  • By purchasing a special domain, you can get the best possible domain; Whether it was the first thing that came to your mind, or the domain that you chose after careful consideration.
  • You can invest in a premium domain! how about If the estimated value of a special name is high, it is likely that some company will want to buy it sooner or later.
  • Many domain investors buy such domains and sell them for profit. However, you should note that in this section we are referring to domains that were previously considered premium domains, not random domains that are available.
  • It is possible to generate income through special domains; With more traffic the domain can bring you, your business income will also increase.

Disadvantages of buying a premium domain

  • High price: Premium domains are very expensive; Existing domain names usually cost more, but premium registry domains can also be very expensive.

If you need a new name for a personal website or a small project, there’s no point in paying more for it than the entire project. In the situation where most of your budget is spent on domain purchase, it is better to consider other names.

  • Better Alternative: Don’t pay a high price to buy a domain just because a domain name looks great. With a small change, you can find better alternatives for your domain and buy it at a cheaper price.
  • Copyright: Be sure to research before buying that the domain you are looking for has not been used as a trademark of another business before. In this case, you spend a lot of money on a domain that you can easily lose.


Buying a premium domain name can be a big investment, so you should carefully choose whether you want to buy it or not and check what are the pros and cons of a premium domain. Sometimes buying such a domain can pay you back, but often it’s just a waste of money.




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