
What is a site builder? Get to know the easiest way to build a site!

You are only a few minutes away from your personal site! Without the need for programming knowledge and using a site builder. Having a website is one of the first requirements to enter the huge competition of internet business website builder icon.

Have you heard that whenever you take a fish out of the water, it is fresh?! Don’t be fooled. In a world where there is something new to offer every day and the business and earning model takes a new shape every day, if you don’t use the latest technologies, you will fall behind.

From the time when people used to trample the entire market to buy the product they wanted, until now they are searching all the internet sites to buy the product they want, not much time has passed! In terms of speed of progress.

Technology moves towards making life and businesses easier. One of its latest achievements is the site builder. You don’t necessarily have to look for a professional designer and pay a lot of money to have a website. Especially if you are a small business and have a limited budget. Just go to the site builder and upload your site in less than 10 minutes. not interesting?! Even those who don’t want to spend a thousand tomans can take advantage of the free site builder; Of course, like anything else, the free site builder offers you fewer features than its paid brother.

In short, this article is about this topic. We want to check all aspects of the site builder and see if it really works for you or not?! First of all, let’s define it for you.

What is a site builder?

Probably these days you have heard the names of site builder, store builder, the best free website builder, the best software for store builder, etc. Previously, website design was not for everyone and there was a need for programming knowledge in this field; But the site builder will deliver you a complete site within a few minutes. without needing any special skills.

In fact, Site Builder is a tool that allows you to build a complete website without any coding experience! This is the most accurate definition of a site builder.

Website builders can be used both offline and online. Offline site builder is a software that you have to download and install on your system. On the other hand, online site builders allow you to create your website directly on the provider’s server.

Let’s talk about how the site builder works.

How does site builder work?

We said that building a site with the site builder is very easy; But this alone will not be persuasive. The important thing is that the rest of the steps will be easy using the site builder.

If you agree, let’s look at the story from the site builders’ point of view:

Providing the greatest possible variety and of course creating the easiest paths in using the site is a competitive advantage in this field. These are the two points that convince people to use a website builder. Website builders should provide designs and templates that can be used for different applications with a little modification. To use the website builder, you need to go through simple steps:

  • Choose the format you want.
  • Use the editor to change the site template to the design you want.
  • Add your desired content to the site. (text, images, video, etc.)
  • Create new pages and segment content to complete your site.

Each of the site builders available on the Internet is suitable for a specific use. For example, some feeds are for freelancers who want to build a professional portfolio. while others will be more useful for building an online store.

Remember that if you plan to build a website for your business, you should not fall into the trap of common mistakes that plague the public.

But why a site builder at all? What is wrong with content management systems like WordPress and Joomla?! We can get the answer to this question by examining the benefits of the site builder.

Why should you use a website builder? (5 convincing advantages)

So far, we have understood that building a site with the help of a site builder is very easy and of course much more affordable! But if you are still in doubt about the use of the two, the benefits that we have written below will probably clear your doubts.

1- The possibility of changing the site design with personal taste

When businesses enter the Internet world, they seek to show their ideas through their website design or logo. One of the attractive features of the site builder is the many accesses it gives to the users, the possibility of making changes and redesigning the site builder. You can easily change the site format and add your favorite images and videos to the site. With the help of these features, you can apply your personal taste to the site. Without having to explain your ideas to a designer.

Tip: If you don’t have good taste, or your knowledge about website design is not enough, this advantage can become a disadvantage! A fault that causes your site to crash!

2- Providing hosting and domain services

When you use a site builder, you will get hosting and domain at the same time. While if you want to build a site in a conventional way, the general site builders provide hosting and domain, you have to prepare these two items separately. You also have to pay for them separately.

Even if you have already purchased a domain, you can still transfer your domain to your new platform.

Note: As a rule, the host that is provided to you with the site builder is a shared host; So, when your business grows and more visitors are sent to your site, you should choose a site builder and move your site to a VPS or dedicated server. Of course, cloud hosting is also a very good option.

3- The compatibility of the site builder with mobile phones and different devices

These days, many people surf the web with their mobile phones; This means that a large percentage of your visitors will probably enter the site using mobile phones. For this reason, it is very important that the site you create with the site builder is responsive, your site can be displayed well on the browser of different platforms such as mobile, tablet, desktop, etc. A site that displays correctly on all devices is called responsive.

So mobile compatibility is a vital feature for any website. By using the site builder, you will be relieved of this issue; Because a professional site builder arranges the elements on the site in such a way that they are displayed correctly on different devices.

4- The possibility of creating a commercial email

No business should use free emails like Gmail! Camel site builders will create an email with a site domain for you. This business email is necessary for your business and shows the professionalism of your activity level. The fee charged for creating this email varies. Some providers don’t charge anything extra for creating an email or two, but others charge you for creating an email as well. Therefore, if the cost of business email is important to you, be sure to check this before choosing.

5- Easy SEO site analysis

You probably know how SEO or search engine optimization can affect your success.Google Analytics is one of the most popular tools for evaluating site performance in SEO; But if you use the site builder, you can have detailed reports of the analysis of the site’s incoming traffic. Even though analytics and other similar tools provide more and more detailed information to the site owner, many are satisfied with these site builder reports.

Besides these 5 advantages, you can easily add your different social network accounts to the site. Also, if you want to use it as a store builder, it is good to know that creating a shopping cart for the user is also easy on such platforms.

The question that remains is about choosing the best website builder.

How to choose the best website builder?

Small business owners and entrepreneurs who are looking for a powerful, fast and no-frills presence in the online world will benefit the most from a website builder; But choosing the right website builder is a challenge in itself. Consider the following to choose the best site builder:

  • the budget
  • Needs and priorities
  • Variety of design and format
  • Easy user interface
  • SEO analysis
  • Support
  • The provider’s experience in customer orientation

These are the things you should consider when choosing the best website builder.

We have reached the end of this article.


Site Builder is a great choice for freelancers, small businesses, and anyone who wants to set up a website quickly, easily, and without spending a lot of money. If you are not very sensitive about the format and design of the site, you will see that the site builder has the ability to align with your ideas.

Of course, if you have enough budget and time, and you also want to have a special and unique design, maybe it is better to go for website design; Otherwise, website builder platforms will cover almost all needs.

After all, the cost of a monthly or yearly subscription to a website builder is much less than what you would pay for a professional design. In addition, you have the constant support of a professional team. The main reason for the birth of website builders is to meet the needs of the general public and to bring small businesses into the competition of internet businesses.




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