
What is Arch Linux and which category of users is it suitable for?

Different Linux distributions are known for their simplicity and ease of use. However, Arch Linux is an exception to the claim, which allows the user to customize various parts of the system while maintaining the integrity of the system.

The extensive customization capabilities in Arch Linux may seem a little confusing to novice users; But they are considered a huge advantage for professionals and experienced people in the Linux world. There are other reasons for the popularity of Arch Linux among open source enthusiasts, which we will discuss in this article.

What is Arch Linux?

Arch Linux is a free and open source distribution of the Linux operating system that provides its users with many possibilities for personalization and can control various aspects of it. Also, distribution arch is relatively light, and its minimal nature is one of the main reasons for its popularity.

Various distributions based on x86 and x64 architectures are typically developed based on the Simplification Rule (abbreviated as: KISS); But the creators of Arch Linux offer an operating system almost like a white paper, where the task of deciding about its various aspects lies on the user’s shoulders. Also, if you migrate to Arch from other distributions, it is possible that you will not feel much difference because it does not use special internal features and all the required features must be added by the user.

Advantages of Arch Linux

Undoubtedly, the high popularity of Arch Linux has not been without reason and there are major reasons for users to choose it. However, some of the main advantages of Arch are as follows.

Features related to personalization

Arch Linux is known as a DIY (do it yourself!) operating system that allows the user to customize even the smallest details. From the time of loading the ISO file to install Arch, the user can have control over various functional aspects of the operating system, and this issue is considered by some people as the main advantage of Arch.

Of course, it should be noted that Arch Linux does not use the desktop environment or the window management tool by default. For this reason, the user must choose his suitable environment personally and then add various components to it. Removing many programs and non-functional items and giving authority to the user is the main reason for Arch’s lightness and accessibility.

Up-to-date and new technology

The model of providing updates in Arch is such that access to the latest versions will be possible directly. As a result, users who are interested in experiencing new features as soon as they are released, can have a good experience using Arch. To update Arch Linux, just use the following command. Installing updates is very easy and includes all the features of the latest version.

Arch Linux User Repository (AUR)

The Arch Linux User Repository, which is supported by the user community, is a suitable place for various Linux packages developed by various people. Also, a number of packages are made available in its user repository before being added to the main Arch repository. For this reason, users can have access to a world of new software that, in a classic way, will require much more time to be added to distributions.

Comprehensive Arch Guide (Wiki)

The Arch Linux Help, or Arch Wiki, contains Arch Linux documentation that helps users find information about various aspects of the operating system and related issues. Undoubtedly, Arch Linux has one of the best guides among all Linux distributions, which makes it very easy for people to fix their problems. Also, data related to recent changes, news related to Arch, statistics and requests will be visible in the wiki.

A bridge between different distributions

The pacman tool is responsible for managing packages in Arch Linux. This tool is highly flexible and can compile binary codes from the source by the makepkg command in addition to supporting the packages in the Arch repository. As a result, pacman acts as a bridge between different distributions that allows installing packages from the repository of other distributions. For this reason, users can enjoy more advantages of Arch without sacrificing features.

Increasing the level of knowledge related to Linux

Arch can provide users with a unique Linux experience. People at different levels can learn new things about Linux by using Arch on a daily basis. For example, using Network Manager can be a new experience for many users, which allows manual network configuration.

The installation process of Arch is also different compared to other Linux distributions. There will be no support in the form of a graphical interface during Arch installation, and the only way to interact with the operating system is through the command line. In general, few functions are presented graphically, which leads the user to use the command line.

Wherever you encounter a problem, you can use Arch Wiki’s useful content to solve it. Of course, note that it is possible to install a graphical environment for Arch Linux; But if you want to get a pure Linux experience, it is recommended to stay away from them.

Is Arch suitable for beginners?

As a beginner user, it is better to get to know the world of Linux and its features a little more at first, and then take a deeper dive into it. Arch Linux does not present any default features or choices to its users, so all processes will depend on the user from the start of the installation process. Such an experience might be great for a professional user; Because it opens new horizons for personalization. On the other hand, it is possible that the mentioned path may seem like erosion for beginner users.

If you are a novice user but still insist on using Arch, it is better to install it on a virtual machine first. If you can acquire the necessary skills to use Arch without any trouble, then you can use this operating system as your main and everyday option.

Another alternative recommended for novice users is to use simpler Arch-based distributions. Among such distributions, Arcolinox and Manjaro can be mentioned. Manjaro’s main focus is on user-friendliness, simplifying its user interface for beginners. Also, a lot of ready-made software can be found in this distribution, which help users to perform daily tasks.

Why use Arch Linux?

Technical users with high knowledge are the right group for Arch Linux; Because they can benefit from its very technical and deep features. With the help of sufficient skill, you can optimize Arch Linux for different uses and benefit from its active user community. Pacman and AUR are just some of the unique features of Arch that provide a lot of power and are also seen in distributions based on it.

BlackArch repository is one of the important and useful titles that you can add to your operating system. Several security tools are included in this repository, which makes it a suitable option for use in matters related to cyber security, and it has a high reputation among experts in this field. A wide range of tools will be used for various tasks such as penetration testing and security research.

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