
What is SQLite database and why is it so popular?

Programmers use data banks to store their desired information. One of the most widely used databases is SQLite. In this article, we will examine this technology and the reason for its high popularity.

In the following article, we will learn about the SQLite database, its advantages, disadvantages and limitations. Stay with us in the future.

What is SQLite?

SQLite is a relational database that is compatible with SQL. Unlike other SQL-based systems such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, this database does not use a client-server architecture. The entire SQLite program is located in a C library that can be used in different programs. By importing the SQLite library file into projects, the database becomes an integral part of the application, eliminating resource-intensive standalone processes.

SQLite stores its data on a cross-platform file. Since this database does not have any dedicated server or specialized file system, it can be easily added by linking the main library to the desired application. In fact, creating a SQLite database is as simple as creating a new normal file.

Ease of implementation has made SQLite the database system of choice for many applications and devices. The total number of use cases for SQLite is said to be higher than that of other database engines because it is compatible with all major operating systems and most programming languages, and in addition, it supports a wide variety of embedded hardware and software products.

Advantages of SQLite

SQLite’s primary focus is on providing a powerful SQL-compatible database, without dependencies on add-ons. As the name of this database suggests, it can be considered a lightweight solution that runs on almost any platform that supports C and file storage. The possibility of communication between the SQLite database and high-level programming languages ​​is available to developers.

Since the SQLite database is actually a simple file, it is highly portable and can be easily backed up. Not needing a server part has made SQLite setup and use very simple. You can take advantage of SQLite in your projects even without setting up a full development environment. In addition, using the database does not require going through lengthy processes, restarting or checking security issues.

Using SQLite in applications will increase flexibility and reduce development time. Using plain text files as a SQLite database to configure, store, and access data across devices is the same, which helps keep the technology consistent.

Data banks usually use systems to protect against possible damage that this feature is not seen in ordinary files. SQLite is a transactional database, so you can avoid partial success events. If an operation in a transaction fails, the successful operation is also rolled back, returning the database to its original state.

SQLite is not vulnerable to storage errors and scenarios that occur due to insufficient RAM resources. It is possible to restore data banks in case of a problem in the system or a power outage, which helps data safety. The codebase is data driven by a comprehensive test suite with 100% coverage.

Limitations of SQLite

SQLite supports most of the features of the SQL92 standard language; Of course, there are a number of incompatibilities and strange features in this database engine; The same applies to other leading SQL database engines. Having said that, there are some limitations of SQLite only in this database, and it is better to be aware of these limitations before using it.

Unlike other advanced databases, SQLite has a loose approach to data type management. This database does not object to the insertion of invalid values, so for example you can insert the string expression “sqlite” into an integer column. Data types are very flexible and sometimes unpredictable, especially when you’ve switched to SQLite from another database system.

SQLite generally does not support some data types; For example, Boolean or DateTime values ​​do not exist in this database, so you must use text or an integer value instead. Such obstacles can be troublesome if you plan to migrate from SQLite to another platform. It is possible that your database contains invalid SQL values ​​that are not accepted in other databases.

The flat file design limits the use cases for which SQLite is applicable. You cannot realistically scale or distribute a database; Because all communications are in one main file. It is impossible to write multiple data in this database at the same time; Because the database is locked separately for each operation; Therefore, the performance of the data bank system will decrease in heavy scenarios; Because in order to execute operations related to the database, a queue will be created to execute commands.

SQLite does not support multiple users. In other database engines like MySQL and PostgreSQL, you can create different accounts within your database so that people can connect to it separately. This feature helps you restrict access to specific plans and operations for each user.

At the database level, SQLite offers fewer features for user management; Because each design will be saved as a regular file on disk. There is no native access to SQLite databases over the network, and therefore distinct user accounts will have less communication with each other. In this situation, using operating system permissions to limit read and write permissions is a more logical method. However, the lack of multi-user support is still noticeable for apps that store sensitive data.

When to use SQLite?

SQLite works best when you want to combine the powerful query and storage capabilities of SQL with an easy and simple way to use regular files. This database provides more performance and flexibility in such a scenario than conventional read and write.

SQLite will work well in environments where end users should not be aware of the existence of the database. This database does not need to be maintained or managed, which makes it an ideal choice for mobile phones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. A client-server based database engine can cause problems if the server goes down or there is a network problem.

SQLite works well as a backend for server-side applications and websites; Provided that the system only needs to read data and not write data. SQLite’s performance can be on par with other database engines, or even better in some cases. This database performs processes without the need to exchange information with the network, thus eliminating the overhead costs of traditional databases.

If you are managing large amounts of data, SQLite is not a good choice. Although the hard database limit is 281 TB; But in practice, data sets above one gigabyte seem more appropriate for a server-based technology. The lack of support for simultaneous writing of data makes SQLite unsuitable for data sets that are rapidly changing and manipulated by multiple users.


SQLite is a SQL-compatible database engine that stores all data on a single physical file. You won’t need a server to use this database, so SQLite can be compiled directly into applications. This database is free and open source, so you don’t need to issue any license to use it, and you won’t pay any additional fees.

Simplicity, high portability and reliability have made SQLite one of the most popular data storage systems in modern operating systems. This database uses very little hardware resources and can be used anywhere. Developers can easily use SQLite in their projects without users noticing the presence of the database.

SQLite has grown significantly due to the increasing use of smartphones and products related to the Internet of Things. Acceptance and awareness of this data storage system should be expanded; Because these conditions will increase its use. The key to SQLite’s success is its universal compatibility, and to use it, you just need to include the database library in your program. In this way, you can take advantage of the power of SQL in your programs without spending much time and at high speed.

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