
What is UI? Getting to know the user interface

Undoubtedly, upon hearing the name UI, this question comes to the minds of many people, what is UI? These days, business and life in general have become increasingly dependent on the Internet, web applications, and mobile apps. As a result, companies have realized that the best way to compete in the web world is to produce an attractive and efficient user interface. An interface that optimizes the user experience (UX). In this article, we will examine what is UI? And we discuss UI elements. At the end, we will mention some tips for creating a suitable user interface.

What is UI?

To answer the question of what is the user interface, it should be said that the UI is the point through which users communicate with the computer, website or app. The goal of an effective user interface is to make the user experience easy and enjoyable. It means that the user can see the maximum result with minimal effort.

The UI is designed in a way that appeals to the human senses (sight, touch, hearing, etc.).

What does UI stand for?

You may have wondered what UI stands for. This term stands for User Interface. As you know, this modification means user interface.

Types of user interface

UI layers include any type of input devices such as keyboard, mouse, microphone, touch screen, fingerprint scanner, electronic pen, and camera, and output devices such as monitors, speakers, and printers. Devices that interact with the senses are called “multimedia user interface”. For example, the everyday user interface includes a combination of tactile input (keyboard and mouse) and visual and auditory output (monitor and speakers).

  • Other types of user interfaces can include:
  • Form-based user interface: In this type, limited options are used to enter data into the application. For example, the settings menu on a form-based device.
  • GUI: Touch UI input with visual UI output (keyboard and monitor).
  • Menu-driven user interface: A type that uses a list of options to navigate through an application or website. For example, ATMs use a menu-based interface and are easy for everyone to use.
  • Touch User Interface: Most smartphones, tablets and any device that works using a touch screen use this type of input.
  • Voice user interface: interaction between man and machine using audio commands. Examples include virtual assistants, text-to-speech, GPS, and more.

Importance of UI

After knowing what UI is, it is better to get familiar with the importance of UI and its important elements. The user interface is important to meet the user’s expectations and support the effective functioning of the site. A good user interface provides effective interaction between the user and the application.

The importance of UI appears in contrasting images, clean design and proper responsiveness. When designing a UI for a site, it is important to consider user expectations in terms of accessibility, visual beauty, and ease of use. An optimal combination of appropriate visuals and efficient responsiveness will improve your site’s conversion rate. Because it anticipates the needs of the user and fulfills these needs.

Important elements in the user interface

It is better to review the most important main elements of a great user interface:

Information architecture

The performance of a site is built according to artificial intelligence. Structuring and organizing website content in a logical manner is very important. Artificial intelligence components include three main types of organizational structures. Hierarchical (level of importance), sequential (logical order of steps), and matrix (where the user chooses the organization of the viewed content) components are included.

Examples include navigation elements (buttons, tabs, icons), tags (terms), search features (search bar), and organization systems (categories).

Interactive design

Elements turn passive readers into active ones by providing examples of user input. Keeping the user in mind when creating a UI helps improve interaction and implement specific behaviors that meet the user’s needs. In addition, efficiently designed interactive user interfaces can predict potential problems.

Example: social sharing, share buttons.

Visual design

The beauty of the site cannot be underestimated. Effective design uses the elements of color, contrast, font, video and photos to attract visitors. This makes it easy for the user to read and understand the content. Contrast, color, white space, typography, and mobile phone optimization are among the important aspects of visual design.

What is the difference between UI and UX?

Now it’s time to answer the question, what is the difference between UI and UX? User interface and user experience are related and equally important, but they have different characteristics. In general, UI is designed based on the look and feel of the site, program or app. While UX encompasses the entire process of conceptualization, development, and delivery. Furthermore, UX can be applied to almost any product, while UI is only related to digital products.

What is ui design?

After getting familiar with UI, it is better to go to answer the question, what is user interface design? User interface design is the design process of this process. An ideal UI design should be based on UX. It should have an attractive and unique appearance. Logical structure and easy to understand for users. This is more complicated than it seems. Even after the user interface design is finished, there are many things to debug and solve. To create an effective user interface or ui design, these tips should be followed.

Principles of user interface design

  1. Pay attention to the contrast

Ensuring simplicity and sufficient contrast between the text and the background color makes it much easier to read.

  1. Design accordingly

A website should always be compatible with the device it is viewed on, whether it is a 7-inch mobile phone or a 70-inch TV.

  1. Experiment with different designs

Explore at the start of the project to discover new design elements. Know the things that can make your final product unique and enjoyable.

  1. Focus on usability

Make sure users can use your site, application, app intuitively. Even if they are visiting it for the first time.

  1. Pay attention to uniformity

Choose a plan and stick to it throughout the project. Each page of the site must be set up in such a way as to avoid any confusion in the user experience.

  1. Keep communication in mind

The user interface should be a useful, easy and informative overall experience.

  1. Know your target user

The overall goal can easily get lost in the processes. What you design is for the user, so it should be user-centric.

  1. Maintain the brand name

The user should be able to recognize your brand on every page of the site. New users should be able to recognize your brand on their first visit.

  1. Design in such a way that it is pleasant to look at

Pay attention to the ease of reading through the layout. For example, keep the text aligned, have a limited color palette (that is, colorful and eye-catching, but not overwhelming and blinding). Choose fonts that are easy to read and the right size.

  1. Make the overall design enjoyable

Performing tasks should require minimal user effort. Each page should perform one main function.

  1. Fix the problems

Your final product should be presented to users free of any errors.

  1. Provide logical next steps

Your user interface design should allow users to figure out what to do next.

  1. Design predictably

Elements such as buttons, mini-zooms, and other interactive elements should work as expected. Each element must have a meaningful function.

  1. Use dynamic effects rationally

The goal is to interact with the user; But using too many interactive elements can be overwhelming. So consider extremes.

final word

In today’s world, virtual space has an impact on the lives of all people. This issue has made people want to understand everything that exists in this space. In this article, we talked about UI. We have seen what UI is, how it differs from UX and what points should be observed for its design.




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