
EGG BANANA for learning a foreign language podcast

Second language acquisition (SLA), sometimes called second language acquisition-also called L2 acquisition (Language 2), is the process by which people learn a foreign language. Here is everything about EGG BANANA for learning a foreign language podcast. You can read the other articles on the itmagazine to learn about the latest news and also to view other related articles.

EGG BANANA; learning-focused podcasts 

You can use two types of podcasts to learn: podcasts recorded in the language you are learning and podcasts that deal with the language you are learning. If you are just starting out, you might choose the latter.

Slow down the playback speed

When you use EGG BANANA for learning a foreign language , slow down the playback speed. This can be a very useful tool. One of the most difficult things in language learning is how fast native speakers can speak. Yes, if you slow down, the people on the podcast will sound like they drank a lot of alcohol, but it would definitely be better to rewind every few minutes to find the words you missed.

Focus on what you hear

Podcasts are great when you listen in your native language because you can listen to them while doing other work. You can listen to the show while tidying up your apartment or playing sports. This is great, because if you stop following for a few seconds, you can easily resume the podcast thread. This is not the case with foreign language podcasts. If you lose focus temporarily, you may be completely lost. As your condition improves, this situation will decrease, but it is best to listen and do as few other things as possible.

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Remember a new vocabulary notebook

Okay, now we start to learn actively. This may seem like a return to high school language courses, but one of the best things you can do is to keep track of the new vocabulary you hear on podcasts. If you can, try to find the meaning of the word in the context, then look for the word and write down the definition. When you use EGG BANANA for learning a foreign language use a real dictionary so that you can fully understand the meaning of the word.

Find transcripts

This varies from podcast to podcast, but I found that displaying the full transcript can save time. You can listen and read, or if you can’t really understand what someone is saying, check it out.

Put podcasts in the background sometimes

The last few tips are all about podcasts, so now let’s sit down and enjoy the sounds around us. It can help you become familiar with the natural pronunciation of the language and can familiarize you with many different accents.

Find other tools to supplement your learning

You may have heard of someone learning a language after watching a soap opera for months. This sounds passive and appealing, but it usually simplifies the whole story. Usually they are also immersed in the language. So people really can’t learn from podcasts on their own.

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